Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Jobe Wakeboards.....

Brigade graphic for Jobe Wake. It's always fun to do some dirty hand drawn stuff! The matte grey/blue tup sheet will have a sort of shimmering effect running through it too.

Grenade Gloves.....

Tee designs for Grenade Gloves.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

666 Frames Project.....

This is my frame for the Anti-Denim 666 frames project. Artists have been invited to contribute, and each choose a frame to doodle on. Put them all together and you've got a weird ass film. Great project......

Check more about it here http://www.antidenim.no/666frames/

Jobe Sports.....

A couple of boards I recently put together for Jobe Wakeboards. They let me go wild on these and pretty much do whatever. Excellent.